By Carlos Ramirez | 8.6.2024
Sinister Feeling, Archagathus, and Buckshot Facelift are among the scheduled bands this year.
New HC Bands
FFO: Confront, No Tolerance, angry straight edge bands
By Carlos Ramirez | 8.5.2024
FFO: Lifeless Dark, GEL, Lie Detector festival lineups
The melodicism reigns supreme for these gentlemen.
By Carlos Ramirez | 8.2.2024
FFO: Gridiron, Missing Link, scribble logos
By No Echo | 8.2.2024
"Anyone who is generally a fan of loud, abrasive, and heavy will find something they like here."
By Carlos Ramirez | 8.1.2024
FFO: Dead End Path, Downpresser, Foundation
Did Metal Blade Records miss out on a gem? Hear for yourself.
By Carlos Ramirez | 7.31.2024
"My parents are both bikers so I grew up in a house where they played a lot of music."
By Ryan O'Connor | 7.31.2024
The future Triple B Records crew enlisted Street Power's Chris Cesarini to guest on the track.
FFO: Inclination, Sanction, '00s metalcore
By Carlos Ramirez | 7.30.2024
FFO: The Locust, Daughters, Coalesce
By Wyatt Soullier | 7.30.2024
The trio kicks off their US run of dates with Molder this week.
By Carlos Ramirez | 7.29.2024
"I blacked out when we started and was ready to die on that stage and take someone with me."
FFO: Last Wishes, Facewreck, beatdown style
By No Echo | 7.27.2024
FFO: Ignite, The Ghost Inside, melodic stuff
By Hugo Reyes | 7.26.2024
The Windy City underground music lifer shares his memories from the era.
By Carlos Ramirez | 7.26.2024
FFO: Soul Swallower, XFilesX, Painkiller Records
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