Deprogrammer Cult is a new band forged by old friendships. "It started in 1987 when Paul and I met skateboarding at the Wang building in downtown Lowell, Massachusetts, it just took 35 years to start a band," drummer Jesse Sherman tells No Echo.
The trapkit keeper explains that the members of Deprogrammer Cult have all been playing together in one form or another around Boston throughout the years, including Bury the Needle, Watchmaker, and The Catatonics. "The timing happened to line up around the beginning of the pandemic that we were all free and looking for a new project. We do this pretty much because we don't know what else to do with ourselves."
Jesse then breaks down the Deprogrammer Cult sound:
"We never really set out to fit neatly into any one category. We play what we know and like and we're all into different kinds of aggressive music, grind, punk, metal, hardcore, noise, etc. Nothing is really off the table as far as what we'll try to play, how we pull it off is what you get here. Anyone who is generally a fan of loud, abrasive, and heavy will find something they like here."
Last month, Deprogrammer Cult released their debut album, Tactics for Manipulation:
"We're super-proud of what we have made, it sounds and feels huge. Most of the lyrical content is pretty introspective/observational, dealing with navigating through this shit bucket of a world. At the same time, Erik's lyrics do try to poke through all the negativity every once in a while (WHY are we cynical?) at the same time challenging ourselves or the listener to question what exactly is the problem."
Though the members of Deprogrammer Cult can't commit to any kind of real touring due to family and career responsibilities, Jesse and the band are playing out when they can. He's clearly psyched on the music scene they're part of:
"We have been lucky enough to play with some amazing bands so this could easily take up a page, but just for starters: Knock Over City, Crowfeeder, Bedtimemagic, Wire Lines, Miracle Blood, SkyTigers, New Hell, Edict, Stoploss, The Freqs, Done, Rüe, Sexless Marriage, Black Helicopter, Lesotho, Jiddo, Vacuist, Arctic Horror, Trollmilk... I warned you.
"Several of these bands are also on Constant Disappointment Records, your last choice in heavy, rough, and noisy music. Check 'em out!"
Tactics for Manipulation is out now on digital and vinyl via Constant Disappointment Records.

Tagged: deprogrammer cult