Band: Concrete Cage
From: Dallas–Fort Worth, Texas
Their formation story:
(Landon Lewis, guitar): "I've always been a fan of the Wilkes-Barre hardcore sound and I wanted to start a project that honed in on that style. I wrote and demoed about 8 songs and started reaching out to friends in the local hardcore scene to fill out the lineup.
"I showed Andy Rhodes (vocals), Forrest Eleuterius (guitar), Nate Hernandez (drums), and Brandon Raeburn (bass) the demos. We all ended up jamming and it just sort of clicked. We've all played in bands together previously, so there was a sort of natural chemistry there."
Their sound in their own words:
"Our sound has a ton of push and pull to it. A lot of ups and downs. We want listeners to feel like they're on a roller coaster. Riffs and grooves while incorporating a dark undertone melodically.
"We pull from a lot of different sounds and bands, most notably, Dead End Path, Bad Seed, Foundation, Iron Age, Merauder, Crown of Thornz, and Black Sabbath."
Newest release info:
"Our Demo '24 is definitely a taste of what's to come. It's short, sweet, and to the point, but encapsulates what you can expect from us stylistically. You can check out an Integrity cover on our Bandcamp."
Future plans:
"We'll be recording a 7-8 song EP this fall, which will be released later this year or early next year. We want to play out as much as possible with plans of touring on the horizon."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Force of Will, Heat, Kitetsu, Spit My Rage, True2You, Bullets Between Tongues, Soledad, Ballista, Bed of Nails, Casket Breath, Dysmorphia, Visions Of Mortality, Harcourt."
Concrete Cage on social media: Twitter | Instagram

Tagged: concrete cage