Band: Killfloor
From: Coachella Valley, California
Their formation story:
(Macoy Crabtree, guitar): "It all started with the name killfloor originating from an electric rat trap, because everytime a rat would run on this trap, there was an electric kill floor. Then one day I went up to a drummer at school and said, "Let's Jam."
"My drummer Michael then brought over our vocalist Jack, and our bass player Christian. Over time we have stuck together and now our drummer is on guitar and we have a new drummer, Sean making us a 5 piece."
Their sound in their own words:
(Jack Harris, vocals): "In the simplest terms, I would describe our sound and style as heavy-ass riffs, angry lyrics, classic hardcore. Some of our influences in the beginning were a lot of Bay Area hardcore bands, but as time went on we take influence from all styles of hardcore and bands from the old to the new to form our sound."
Latest release info:
(Jack Harris, vocals): "With our first demo we recently released on May 24 of this year, we wanted to pick our 4 most classic songs we've made for our first release. We also wanted to incorporate our love for where we live (Coachella Valley, California) and for our scene out here. the love and response we've gotten since is fuckin' sick."
Future plans:
(Macoy Crabtree, guitar): "Pretty much we wanna play more and more out of town shows, make and release some more music, and just have a good time. Eventually run some tours, weekend runs, etc.
What other bands from their region should we check out?
(Jack Harris, vocals): "Some bands you should 100% listen to are our homies Face Facts, Destroy Nothing, and Bronca from the Coachella Valley. Also the homies Cold Path from San Diego."
Killfloor on social media: Instagram

Tagged: killfloor