PeZ is a punk band that wears waves its nerd flag with pride. Singer Luke Pate is a professional computer coder and has managed to incorporate that skillset into the Florida band's visual aesthetic, something so fucking "un-punk" that it ends up becoming so fucking punk. To help promote the PeZ's AmRep meets Touch & Go Records meets Youth Attack riotus debut EP, World Within Skin, Luke—who along with band mate Cory Fischer are both also members of Frameworks—created a phone call system that fits in perfectly with their anything goes attitude.
"The idea behind PeZ and the phone number is that we want to create this more immersive narrative to go along with the music," says Luke. "We built this cryptic phone system as a direct line to join the narrative. Once you call, your in our database. You can block/delete a particular number or part of the story, but we have thousands other numbers and what we can actually do with them is really interesting." Call if you dare: (952)-800-3312.
Keeping in line with PeZ's unorthodox presentation style, they've just made a VHS video that plays along with World Within Skin. Remember the whole The Dark Side of the Moon/The Wizard of Oz thing? Yeah, same kind of deal:
World Within Sin is out now and can be downloaded on PeZ's Bandcamp page. You can also check out their Instagram and official site for more mind-fuckery.
If you're shopping for vinyl, CD, and cassette hardcore titles, head to No Echo's partner store, Reverb LP, to see what they have available. Every purchase you make helps No Echo with site costs.
Tagged: frameworks, pez