Jewel of the Northeast DAZE has yet another gem for us. The label’s embarrassment of riches has gifted anew, this time in the form of No Souls Saved.
Featuring an eye-popping roll call of players, the band sports members of Vein.fm, Sanction, Mindforce, and All Out War. The band’s moniker likely tips its cap knowingly to End of One, the metallic hardcore unit that once haunted the Hudson Valley.
No Souls Saved's lineup:
- Jon Lhaubouet - vocals
- Lumpy - guitar
- Mike Shaw - guitar
- Jesse Sutherland - bass
- Jay Peta - drums
Though the aforementioned group’s No Souls Saved 1995 demo is a crushing artifact, this is a fresh and even more crushing proposition. No Echo is beyond stoked to get the exclusive premiere.
With a 7-inch slated for a future release, No Souls Saved have anted up here with 2 Song Promo. For those not keen on death metal-tinged hardcore, the songs are mercifully short. For the rest of us, though, its brevity has us absolutely starved for more. The band’s Northeast death metal meets hardcore hasn’t rewritten the rule book, but there’s something different going on here that feels singular:
Boasting vicious vocals of varying horrifying registers, they pack more tempo shifts and blasts of dynamism into 90 seconds than most bands can across an LP. There’s a loosely wound vibe that caters to fans of the chaotic and clattering. No Souls Saved are clearly capable of stopping on a dime and do so to a degree likely to please the metalcore minded, but the deep hardcore roots are never far.
The slower moments teeter on violent breakdowns, all while wailing Integrity-style solos and dive bombs scatter themselves atop the dopest drum sound this side of rat-a-tat Snapcase. Dust off that Discman™, y’all, because the wax will have to wait. DAZE is dishing CDs this go round.
How bands as accomplished and vital as the cadre of artists that composes No Souls Saved is able to find the time to bludgeon outside of the demands of their full time gigs is beyond me. Who knows and who cares…Music is magic, man. Come get saved or get passed over.
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Tagged: all out war, mindforce, no souls saved, sanction, vein.fm