New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: Bankrupt

Photo: Eric Crager

Band: Bankrupt
From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Their formation story:
(Owen K., guitars): "Bankrupt came together in 2021. It started with 4 members including Miles, Owen, Piotr and our first bassist. We had all previously played in hardcore-adjacent bands. Miles and Owen had played in Drug Bust while Piotr played in Snake Charmer. 

"We played our first show which was a memorial for Steve Petaccio (RIP) with Miles filling in on vocals. At that show we announced we were looking for a vocalist and a mutual friend, Tony saw our set and soon after joined the band as our frontman. 

"After a few years and 2 releases, we have settled on our lineup of members consisting of Piotr on drums, Owen and Miles on guitar and Ilya on bass. This is the lineup you will hear on our Summer Promo."

Their sound in their own words:
"Bankrupt’s sound all falls under the hardcore blanket. Some songs consist of more metallic hooks and others consist of straight power chords and breakdowns. Our newest release has the song 'Terminate,' which is our fastest and angriest yet."

Latest release info:
"Our newest release came out on July 26th and was recorded by Len at Landmine Studios in New Jersey. These 2 songs serve as a Summer Promo and consist of our previously established, straight-forward hardcore sound while exploring different elements of the genre.

"The first track, 'Twisted,' was written by Owen and has a groovy drum and bass break before its breakdown. 'Terminate,' written by Miles has the speed of a power violence song and the structure of a hardcore song."

Future plans:
"Bankrupt’s future plans are always to tour. We just came off of a summer run with Controller (Lehigh Valley hardcore) and Damage Control (Philly hardcore). While we all have jobs and obligations, we will always try to make time for a weekender, or a proper run.

"As of now, we have a show that was just announced in Arlington, Virginia at the Johnny Lyon VFW on 8/18 with Scrutinize (the HOMIES)  and Cold Hard Steel."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Check out the previously mentioned Damage Control, Scrutinize, Controller. Also, Splatter Spine (DEHC), Exit (NJ/PA hardcore), and Cycle of Abuse (Philly Beatdown)."

Bankrupt on social media: Instagram

Tagged: bankrupt