New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: Paradise

Band: Paradise
From: Austin, Texas

Their formation story:
(Trish, bass): "Cory wrote a lot of the demo in 2022, and sent it to a couple of us and we spent some time reworking and adding to it. We recorded the tracks in 2023 we decided to ask Will to come in on vocals. We are all pretty close friends so it came together pretty naturally."

Their sound in their own words:
"We wanted the band to be hard but catchy. A lot of us have been in different punk/hardcore/metal Texas bands (U.N.I.T, Judiciary, Breakout) and wanted to do something a little more straight-forward hardcore.

"There’s obviously a lot of '90s New York/New Jersey influence, but we also wanted to throw some traditional verse/chorus structure stuff in the demo."

Latest release info:
"Demo 2024 was recorded by Phillip Odom and mixed/mastered by Arthur Rizk, who are people we are both lucky to have as friends and as willing participants in this demo. Phil rocks and was great to work with, and Arthur threw a lot of cool little details on this mix and ended up mastering it to tape."

Future plans:
"Right now, we just want to play some cool shows and have fun with it. We’re working on some new stuff already and so far we’re really stoked on the reception of the demo."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Ozone and Deep Cover from Ft. Worth, and M.O. from Austin, Texas.

"Additional shoutouts to: Ben Sendukas, Barton Springs, Lo-Fi Vintage for letting us practice at the shop."

Paradise on social media: Instagram

Tagged: paradise