Band: False Grip
From: Central Massachusetts
Their formation story:
(Micah Beshai, vocals): "Along with doing vocals in False Grip, I play drums in Hard Target as well. We were playing a show and needed a fill in on second guitar which is where Dakota, our lead guitar player for False Grip came into the picture. He filled in and killed it at the show and it made me wonder why he didn’t play in a band.
"I really wanted to do vocals in a band and he wasn’t actually in any other bands at the time so it kind of made sense. We had talked about getting together to fool around with some stuff. From there the two of us wrote and recorded our demo on our own. I did vocals and drums and Dakota did the guitars, bass and the actual recordings themselves.
"It wasn’t until after that we actually assembled a full band which is where our drummer Tyler, our bass player Malik and our other guitarist Jerry came into the picture. They all liked the sound and now here we are."
Their sound in their own words:
"I would like to say we have a pretty good mix of faster, bouncy hardcore with some heavier parts mixed in there. A few people have told us they get an early to mid-2000s vibe in some of our songs. Some examples would be No Warning, Cruel Hand, Build and Destroy, and Trapped Under Ice."
Latest release info:
"I named our new EP Piece of Mind as sort of a play on words. I don’t like to write lyrics unless they relate directly to me personally. If others can relate to them and apply them to scenarios in their own lives then that’s cool. 'Flash Freeze' subtly being about my fear of being or becoming bipolar, 'All Bark No Bite' being all about people that don’t belong in the scene, and 'Good as Dead' being about cutting ties with people you don’t need in your life or have done you wrong.
"The fast and aggressive sound of the music itself ties it all together. The whole point of hardcore to feel something. In this case I want it to be aggression."
Future plans:
"We are still a very new band with only a handful of shows under our belt. All of us are in other multiple bands as well but we have got a lot of positive feedback and are definitely excited to get out there and play more shows."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Central Mass and Boston are booming with a lot of awesome bands right now. It’s hard to keep up but to name a few, Clock Out, Street Power, Wisdom & War, Haywire (obviously), Jackal, Can’t Lose and I know Mental Warfare is going to be dropping an EP this summer."
False Grip on social media: Instagram
Tagged: false grip