By No Echo | 12.8.2020
Support independent music!
By Michael Thorn | 9.24.2020
The world is on fire, so you might as well die while listening to great music.
By No Echo | 8.25.2020
The bassist/vocalist clearly knows a thing or two about the genre.
By No Echo | 7.31.2020
"Play loud to f**k off your neighbors exactly like 30 plus years ago."
By No Echo | 7.28.2020
Any Ryuichi Sakamoto fans out there?
By No Echo | 7.24.2020
The California metallic hardcore band offers up a list of some of their unlikely music faves.
By No Echo | 7.16.2020
The Arkansas-based band's forthcoming debut album is a straight-up beast.
By No Echo | 7.7.2020
There's always time for music, especially these days.
By No Echo | 6.25.2020
The New York City-based drummer/vocalist pays tribute to some of his early influences.
By No Echo | 6.11.2020
The black metal cum doom trio just released its self-titled debut album.
By No Echo | 6.4.2020
If you've heard the band before, you already know this dude's tone is apocalyptic.
By No Echo | 5.28.2020
Also check out the lyric video for the DC hardcore band's track, "Frozen."
By Michael Thorn | 5.12.2020
All kinds of styles represented on this list of recentish rippers.
By Hans Verbeke | 5.9.2020
Essential picks from someone who was an integral part of the scene and era.
By Freddy Alva | 5.5.2020
The Urban Styles author and longtime No Echo contributor picks some underrated gems.
By Marc Strömberg | 5.4.2020
Written by someone who started going to shows in Umeå during that era, when he was only 11 years old.
By Ralph Aloia | 4.28.2020
Convert your couch into a basement punk show with these must-reads.
By No Echo | 4.23.2020
The industrial artist on some of the records that helped shape his nightmarish soundscapes.
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