A new hardcore band to have on your radar is Crime Light out of Ohio. They recently released their debut offering, a 5-track collection called crime//shame//illumination that I think many No Echo readers will enjoy.
"[Bassist] Tim and I played in a few punk bands together, and [guitarist] Dakota is from my hometown, Newark, Ohio. Everyone else met through the internet or just going to shows," Crime Light vocalist JB tells me. "We didn’t start the band with any specific direction, just that we all wanted to play hardcore punk."
JB revels some of Crime Light's sonic inspirations: "We’re influenced by a lot of locals, as well as bands like Candy Apple and Goon. It kinda varies song to song. In particular, the track 'Crime Light' is influenced by Jay Reatard and Scandinavian bands like The Vicious, Masshysteri, and Gorilla Angreb. 'Trapeze' was heavily influenced by early Japanese bands like Lip Cream, and also early NYHC bands like the Cro-Mags, Antidote, and Breakdown."
He's already talked about their musical style, but how about Crime Light's lyrical direction? "'GIMMIE THAT!' is about the grifting ruling class who try their best to control and eliminate our most fundamental rights and necessities," says JB.
"'Trapeze' is based on the Kafka story, First Sorrow. 'Waste Not' is about how unnecessary and evil hunger is in this country. '27 Words' is about people that feel the need to open carry everywhere they go, living in fear and generally being pretty dumb. 'Crime Light' is crime light because that’s the name of the band."
Part of the Delayed Gratification Records family, JB talks Ohio hardcore before our conversation closes out: "Our local scene is really thriving right now. Lotsa bands putting out insanely good records and packing out DIY venues like Dirty Dungarees.
"Definitely look out for all the homies on Delayed Gratification Records like Slug, En Love, Sour, S.M.I.L.E, Rejoice, Captive, and Rabbit. We also really like WAYDOWN, Body Farm, Forest Fucker, Bolster, Yambag, GripHook, PISS ME OFF, Last Gasp, Darkroom, CHALK, Only Shallow, and Wasp Factory."
Crime Light on social media: Twitter | Instagram | Bandcamp
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