While I was recently checking my email, Carlos from No Echo sent The Pandemic Sessions by Kollaps\e to me. Within a few hours, I had bought it on Bandcamp and knew I wouldn't be alone in my excitement about their music.
My listening habits, especially in the last year, have been varied but the times when heavy music is done correctly; it's undeniable. I know that "correctly" is a subjective term, and while I acknowledge that, I trust that each person has their own idea of what I mean.
In this case, Kollaps\e released a 2-track EP at the end of January.
For as many low-tuned, heavy bands as there seem to be; they aren't all equal. Kollaps\e establish themselves within these two songs as a band that knows what they want their music to sound like.
These songs aren't people just getting together to jam; this is the product of clear vision.
Based in Helsingborg, Sweden some of their members were also previously involved in a band called Hearts Alive.
I checked in with one of the members, Daniel, for a couple of questions.
I heard a band some members of yours were involved in previously, Hearts Alive. While to my ears, it was more straightforward metalcore; what inspired you all to go in the direction of Kollaps\e's music?
I founded Hearts Alive. And Peter W played bass with us the last year or so. Hearts Alive was for sure a metalcore band and after we split up, I wanted to do something else.
Before Heart Alive, I had an instrumental band called Burning Phoenix, we were short-lived and unfortunately never recorded anything worth mentioning. But I really wanted to do something like that again but with vocals this time.
And I've been a fan of the post-rock, post-metal genre for ages and I always wanted to do a Neurosis, Isis, heavy sludge band with screaming vocals and the works.
I saw in another feature that you all are working on a full-length; has recording begun for that yet?
We are just getting back together after a little break. Covid and some other things have kept us from writing and practicing.
But we are about to start some pre-production so I hope we will be able to record in the end of summer.
"Venom in mind - Antidote in flame.
I, the sickness, In marrow I reign
I, the sickness, In fever transcends Unseen hands, Embrace decay, disaster run amok, End of the world you fear"(lyrics from "Murrain" by Kollaps\e)
With harsh, scratchy vocals rising over fierce and equally spacious music, Kollaps\e is definitely a band to keep an eye on in the future.
Thanks to Daniel for answering my questions and make sure to support them by going to their Bandcamp and buying The Pandemic Sessions.
Tagged: kollapse