New HC Bands
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.4.2024
FFO: Ruiner, Pulling Teeth, This Is Hell
The Queen City quintet cite influences like Integrity, Crowbar, and Lord of the Rings (!).
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.3.2024
"I’m obviously quite irreligious (and Christian Hardcore can still fuck right off)..."
The recently released You'll Be a Memory album is a gorgeous piece of work.
FFO: Entombed, Nails, a certain guitar pedal that starts with "H"
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.31.2024
Akil Godsey (End It), Chad Green (Frozen Soul), and Brendan Murphy (Counterparts) all make appearances.
FFO: Strike Anywhere, Comeback Kid, Suicide Machines
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.29.2024
FFO: Recon, Until the End, merch printed on Champion S700 hoodies
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.28.2024
FFO: The Acacia Strain, Harms Way, END
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.24.2024
“Since the beginning of Firewalker, we have drawn inspiration from Madball’s progression as a band..."
The fourth and final installment of their Funeral Arrangements album drops next month.
FFO: His Hero Is Gone, From Ashes Rise, Disfear
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.23.2024
Here's another beautiful example of why the DIY way will always rule.
FFO: SS Decontrol, No Tolerance, '80s Boston fight music
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.22.2024
FFO: Foundation, Dead End Path, Downpresser
Dem boys got dem guitar riffs.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.21.2024
FFO: Merauder, Hatebreed, movies about mobsters
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.20.2024
FFO: God's Hate, Blind Justice, the Street Beefs YouTube channel
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