New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: Gods End

Band: Gods End
From: West Virginia

Their formation story:
(Kevin Powell, vocals): "Gods End was originally my solo project, which quickly grew to a full-time gig for the live musicians coming in to play shows. The current lineup is myself, Tyler Gautier, Bobby Brooks, and Tyler Antonacci. Each member brings their own style and influence into the band, making our EP, Chapter Black, a group effort for the better."
Their sound in their own words:
"The band was formed on the sounds from death metal and hardcore, revolving around the high-energy from '90's bands around the HM2 sound. Influences include anything from Crowbar, Pantera, Hatebreed, Fuming Mouth, Entombed, and more."

Latest release info:
"Chapter Black is more or less touching on the sins of man. I'm not sure what draws me (Kevin) into these topics but it's something I have always gravitated toward. Chapter Black is also from the popular anime Yu Yu Hakusho, which we also have a song named 'Storm of Torment' with a clip from the show.

"Yu Yu Hakusho is my all-time favorite anime. While there's plenty of bands who put on the 'tough guy' persona on and off the stage, we're just four guys who love to play music and have fun. If you watch any of our socials or behind the scenes, you'll see why."

Future plans:
"This Summer, we have a slew of shows, including a DIY tour we've been working on. We've also been chipping away at our 10-song album which is coming along great. We're always trying to plan a few steps ahead. Life does get in the way as we all know, so anything could happen at any time. Without intentionally being too 'big things coming soon,' we have our eyes set on the future and hope everyone digs what we put out."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
"This is a good question. We have our friends in bands like Feast on the Fallen, Maintenance, demsfightinwords, Denihilist, and Heavy//Hitter. Other bands to recommend would be Dragged, Design the Curse, Left Behind, Crown Vic, Stress//Fracture, and Dead Reckoning."

Gods End on social media: Instagram

Tagged: gods end