Band: Wasted Effort
From: Charleston, South Carolina
Their formation story:
(Sean McDaniel, guitar): "The band came from a bunch of songs that I had sitting in my phone’s voice recordings. I asked my little brother to sing on the songs because he’s dope and likes Youth of Today and Negative Approach and all of that shit. He was into it, so I had my good friends Josh and Jose write the drums and bass."
Their sound in their own words:
"I was definitely aiming for that '80s Boston hardcore sound, so SS Decontrol, DYS, and Negative FX are all major influences. I think if you like No Tolerance and Waste Management and all of those bands too, you might like the demo."
Latest release info:
"We just put out a 6-song demo on Limited Hangout Records. I don’t have much to say about the demo, I just wanted to start a hardcore band with my friends."
Future plans:
"For now, we’re just trying to play cool shows in the Southeast whenever we can find the time, I think we might write some more songs soon as well."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Identity Shock, Yield to None, and Mutant Strain are my favorite bands in the Southeast right now. Also check out Corrupt Faith if they are playing near you."

Tagged: wasted effort