Record Collectors
By Carlos Ramirez | 1.8.2018
"The most I have ever paid for a record would be my Demilich 20th Adversary of Emptiness box set..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 1.4.2018
This Swede hardcore lifer is dedicated to finding the oldies but goodies.
By Carlos Ramirez | 12.14.2017
The bassist of Medjugorje and Branch Davidian, and owner of Suburbistan Records, lives for this.
By Carlos Ramirez | 12.11.2017
Customs and shipping prices will not stop this man.
By Carlos Ramirez | 12.7.2017
"I find digging really relaxing."
By Carlos Ramirez | 12.5.2017
Will someone please sell this man a copy of The Middle Class 7" for a reasonable price?!
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.29.2017
"...Discogs is probably the best friend that I’ve ever had."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.27.2017
"I've been trying to get an OG press of the first Gorguts album..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.24.2017
"You just have to laugh when you see stuff like 'Limited Press of 2000' on a record."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.21.2017
"Nothing is worse than flipper scum."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.20.2017
"It all started when a older girl in my neighborhood gave me a copy of AC/DC's Back In Black..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.17.2017
Mercyful Fate, Sigur Rós, Depeche Mode, and everything in between...
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.16.2017
"...people that buy records and have bands sign the vinyl drives me nuts."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.13.2017
"My most prized single record is my Type O Negative October Rust, original European pressing..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.10.2017
"Collectors are posers willing to impress their friends with 367 different editions of the very same album..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.8.2017
"...not only do I have a crippling vinyl addiction, but it’s compounded by having wide reaching tastes."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.6.2017
"I'm a huge Master of Reality nerd and I'm on a mission to collect all the variants."
By Carlos Ramirez | 11.2.2017
Three decades of crate digging with the powerviolence OG.
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