Record Collectors
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.7.2017
Bathory, Judge,'s all fair game for this Swede.
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.5.2017
Take a guess which limited press album he spent over $2000 for...
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.2.2017
"I'm most frustrated by greediness and by people who buy records just to flip them for big dollars."
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.31.2017
"I have the Discogs app on my cellphone..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.29.2017
"My wife knows: if there’s a fire, GRAB THE CHUNG KING!"
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.26.2017
"The most I've ever paid was $100 for a test press of Morning Again's As Tradition Dies Slowly."
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.24.2017
"I'd rather buy vinyl than bring it to a bank nowadays."
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.22.2017
eBay bidding wars will be the death of him.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.19.2017
$500 for a copy of Nervous Breakdown? No problem.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.17.2017
Hip-hop, punk, soul, grime, and GISM.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.15.2017
Tales of a recovering hXc vinyl addict.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.12.2017
"...I finally found another copy of KISS' Dynasty with the poster still in it."
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.10.2017
Limited edition Floorpunch 7"s, Native Nod, and much more.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.8.2017
Don't fuck with his Antidote vinyl.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.5.2017
"I mean, how can you pass up an Abused 7" for $175 in 2017?"
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.2.2017
Whatever you do, just don't bring up Media Mail to this guy.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.1.2017
The label owner and CD hunter clearly has diverse musical tastes.
By Carlos Ramirez | 4.27.2017
His OCD is no joke.
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