
Near Dark: Melodic Punk Band Unites Mems. of Set Your Goals x Restraining Order x Maniac

Comprised of vocalist Matt Wilson (Set Your Goals), bassist Keith Freeman (Maniac, Restraining Order), drummer Zach Carlin (Maniac) and guitarists Erick Pressman (Wet Specimens, Mystery Girl) and Tyson Luneau (Maniac, Sinking, Blind Idol), Near Dark is a new melodic punk band that surely will get some attention out of the gate thanks to its lineup.

But we all know this isn't enough without tunes. Luckily, Near Dark got that part covered.

With shared influences like Lifetime, Knapsack, and Kid Dynamite, the quintet initially came together Erick and Tyson started the band together, eventually being joined by Keith and Zach on bass and drums, respectively, and Matt later coming in to take on vocal duties.

Near Dark's debut release a 3-track demo they've dubbed Silver Lining:

“Though it started as a pandemic side project," Tyson tells No Echo, "we’re hoping to do some weekends and whatnot when shows eventually come back around. We started writing a new EP and will be hitting the studio this spring to record that.

"The new material has the same energy, but experiments with some different sounds here and there.”

Recorded with Will Hirst at Gate 4 Studio in West Springfield, Massachusetts, the Silver Lining demo is available in cassette form via Patient Zero Records.

Near Dark on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Bandcamp


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Tagged: blind idol, maniac, mystery girl, near dark, restraining order, set your goals, sinking, wet specimens