Band: Chain Block
From: Montreal, Québec
Their formation story:
(Max Tremblay, vocals) "Will, Marco, and Tristan started jamming at the end of the Summer of 2022. I joined a little bit after and Chris came in the following months. We all had other bands in the past but we had nothing really going on at the time except for Marco."
Their sound in their own words:
"We are trying to play a sound that we really like, I would describe it as early '00s Boston hardcore and '90s Clevo with a touch of D-beat and power violence."
Latest release info:
"We had two new songs ready for a couple of months so we recorded them at the end of 2023 and put them out online. The two songs are kinda different but they had a similar vibe."
Future plans:
"We have a few shows coming out in the next few months. We are already working on some new songs and we are aiming to put out another release before the end of 2024."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Everybody should check out: Prowl, Beton Armée, Serpent Corpse, Scaramanga, Cloned Apparition, Final Word, and Puffer."
Chain Block on social media: Instagram

Tagged: chain block