The Commonwealth has not so secretly had a stranglehold on a certain corner of hardcore punk for decades now. Between the long celebrated RVA scene and Virginia Beach, there’s hardly been a moment that Virginia hasn’t remained vibrant and crucial.
V Beach’s Victim of Suffering has entered the chat. Arriving fully formed, the hardcore band’s demo might be new to the conversation, but it speaks volumes. Never mind that A Testament to the Living Proof is a demo, it sounds immaculate and pummels from the jump.
Peddling a crushingly heavy and breakdown-loaded sound, Victim of Suffering slots perfectly into the “heavier than heaven” zeitgeist of modern hardcore.
As the band not so subtly warned upon their inception “Turning your back was your biggest mistake," it’s like the beach itself. Turn your back to the waves and you’re liable to get crushed so hit the beach before it hits you.
A Testament to the Living Proof is out now. Hit the Victim of Suffering Linktree to find out more about the band.
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Tagged: victim of suffering