Just a few days ago, Out of Chaos, the debut album from Spell It Out, hit Bandcamp. If you're a fan of the hyper-melodic strain of fast hardcore in the vein of Kid Dynamite and The Movielife, you should definitely give it a spin.
"We started as a pandemic band," vocalist/songwriter Jerad Mione told me about Spell It Out's starting point. "I was just sitting around with nothing to do I ended up writing a bunch of songs and recorded them on a cheap little interface with a pirated recording program. I sent a bunch of songs out to Brian T. to add bass parts to it and he recorded those from his basement. He then sent the tracks back to me to incorporate everything together.
"The demos sounded pretty good and we decided to add some real members to the group. Once we solidified our members, we had a few practices and went right to the recording studio. We were very comfortable together and everyone's style jived sonically. I've known Greg most of my life, Brian and Pat for over 20 years, and Brian L. is a Hudson Valley guy who we met through mutual friends."
As you'll see, Spell It Out is a quintet with deep ties that go back many years. "We recorded this record with John Naclerio at Nada Studio. He also produced it and is releasing the digital version under his new label, Let's Trade Records. I've known John for a long time. We played together in Lounge on Triple Crown Records along with Brian T. Greg played in the Buffalo punk band Vice Transmission with me many moons ago. Pat has played in numerous punk and hardcore bands like Lakota and Hope Never Lost, and Brian L is a machine who is also in BigShot and Entropy. I honestly couldn't ask for a more perfect lineup."
Jerad also told me a bit about Spell It Out's stylistic approach:
"I grew up listening to local Hudson Valley hardcore bands like All Out War, Dissolve, Drowningroom, Innerdam, etc. But I was also very big into pop-punk and Youth Crew hardcore like Lifetime and Gorilla Biscuits. I've taken all these sounds I grew up on and have tried to incorporate them all into the record. You won't find the slow riffage bash parts in our music, but you can definitely mosh to it."
The musicians in Spell It Out are spead out between New York and New Jersey, but Jerad's heart wilI always be back in his hometown. "The local scene for me will always be the Hudson Valley even though I currently reside in Jersey. The pandemic seemed to have slowed down my ability to go to as many shows as I would like, but I know there have been bands that have blown up.
"Obviously, Mindforce is at the top of the list. They are one of the best hardcore bands I have heard in a long time, but you also have bands like Age of Apocalypse and new bands like BigShot that are putting out some really good stuff. From New Jersey, you have GEL and I've been listening to a band called Without Peace. My favorite part is that none of these bands sound alike. Sure, everyone is wearing their influences on their sleeves, but it's still original and really refreshing to hear."
Out of Chaos is available now on Bandcamp. Hit this link to pre-order the album on vinyl.
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Tagged: spell it out