New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: Supernova

Photo: Ben Hunt

Band: Supernova
From: London, UK

Their formation story:
(Lindsey, vocals): "Kat and I have been friends for over a decade and always said we wanted to do this together but it never felt like it was the right time. Turns out a few of our friends had the same kinda feeling and as there hasn’t been a new London Straight Edge band for a while now, we just thought it’s now or never! Why the fuck not start a band in your 30s, right?!"
Their sound in their own words:
"We’re majorly influenced by both the message and the music of mid-'00s hardcore - bands like Carry On, Have Heart, Life Long Tragedy, etc., as well as the bands that came before them such as Turning Point, The First Step, Youth of Today, etc.

"We’re also really into that more stompy sound in hardcore from the likes of Backtrack, Magnitude, and classics like SOIA. Honestly, if you threw a bunch of Youth Crew, mid-'00s melodic hardcore, riot grrrl influences and a heavy dose of stomp into a blender, I think you’d find us."

Latest release info:
"We just released our first demo on Conviction Records and we really wanted it to sum up what we are as a band. The first track is called ‘Text Me When You Get Home’; a song about femicide that talks about the shit women have to face every day. ‘Everything’ is our Straight Edge anthem and the first song we wrote as a band.

"‘Fence Walker’ is about the importance of standing up for what you believe in and the damage that’s caused in situations of injustice when we opt to sit on the fence, and we ended the demo with ‘Supernova,’ our posi Youth Crew track."

Future plans:
"We’ve been riding the high of this release and have now got our heads together writing some new material. We’ve got a bunch of shows and a mini tour in the UK over the next few months with some really good friends of ours - shout out to Uncertainty, xApothecaryx, Nylon, Without Love, and xHour of Reprisalx for the support since day one.

"We’re also going to be featured on the upcoming Youth Crew 2024 vinyl compilation thanks to Positive and Focused Records."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Honestly, UKHC is more diverse and better than ever right now. All the bands I just mentioned deserve checking out as they’re all killing it right now, and as much as I could go on for days about how sick UKHC is, some current favourites of ours that need a mention are T.S. Warspite, Dynamite, xDissonancex, and Step Beyond."

Supernova on social media: Instagram

Tagged: supernova