Band: Secret Work
From: Biddeford, Maine
Their formation story:
(Ethan, bass): "Trevor (drums) and I started writing some short fast punk songs after work one day. Initially it was gonna be me on vocals and Ian on bass but Ian started pumping out lyrics and sounds way better than I do. We got Nik from Gumskab and Nick from Mankala on guitar and finished writing/tracking these five songs. Initially this was just a reason to hang out with the homies and create something that we thought Maine hardcore was missing."
(Ian, vocals): "I had Been talking with the Gumskab guys for a bit about starting a project and initially I was supposed to be on bass. Ethan asked for some help on lyrics for the first track that was recorded, which became 'Cumstains.'
"I wrote some stuff for it and recorded something quickly to give Ethan an idea on the cadence I had in mind and sent it in the group chat. Soon after that it was “suggested” that I be on vocals. Everything after that has just been an excuse to hang out with homies."
Their sound in their own words:
(Ethan): "The goal was for fast, politically-focused punk/hardcore and I think we achieved that. Sound wise, I was listening to a lot of Primitive Blast, SPY, and Restraining Order while writing this and I think it shows."
(Ian): "The goal from the beginning was punk/hardcore with a clear message lyrically. While writing I spent a lot of time listening to some bands like SPY, Half Man, MASK, and Gulch. Being able to convey a strong message, while using the vocals as a driving part of the music was something that I’m glad we were able to do."
Latest release info:
(Ian): "Right from the outset, we didn’t want to be just another hardcore band with formulaic lyrics but wanted to talk about systemic issues that are plaguing everyone, from class issues to the xenophobic mindset thats too common.
"The track 'American Blueprint' specifically talks about US imperialism around the world and the impacts it had. Looking at the genocide unfolding in Palestine that’s being directly finded by US companies and tax dollars, the events that took place in Abu-Ghrain, Vietnam, and the dozens of other conflicts that the US has been and is involved in, it paints such a grim picture of US influence around the world."
Future plans:
(Ian): "We have a few shows coming with some more in the works for summer. In the coming weeks we are going to be recording some new tracks for the next release."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
(Ian and Ethan): "Psychic Ordinance, Corrective Measure, Mast, Infernal Diatribe, Clock Out, Louzy, SA, Jackal, Alley Trash, Cooked, Misery Whip, Maine Hardcore in general."
Secret Work on social media: Instagram

Tagged: secret work