Band: Moldy
From: Paris, France
Their formation story:
(Max, vocals): "At first, Moldy was a side project. Back in 2018 I had this bunch of song I wrote and I asked Emile who I play with in Worst Doubt if he would be interested to be part of the project and play drums on it. We recorded the EP in February 2109, but the guy who was supposed to sing on it fuck us over and never showed up to the studio.
"The project slept on our hard drive for years until last September where I finally decided to finish the goddam job. After that, we asked some good friends to join us in the line-up, and now we have Baptiste (Worst Doubt, Headbussa, Cold Decay), Nicolas (Pencey Sloe, Providence) and Clement (Pencey Sloe) playing with us."
Their sound in their own words:
"Our objective with Moldy was to bring back the good old 2000 hardcore sound that almost disappeared in Europe the last few years.
"We wanted to mix bands like Outbreak, Mongoloids, The Rival Mob, and Bracewar together with a touch of RZL DZL on top of that cause we’re here to have fun. I also dig things like Conservative Military Image or Viagra Boys in terms of lyrical content or atmosphere."
Latest release info:
"Our first EP is called Unnecessary Existence, and I think it speaks by itself. It’s mostly about things we all experience everyday: depression, addiction, and total morons who can’t stop running their mouths.
"For the technical part, it was recorded by Maxime Smadja from Rixe at Chateau Vergogne back in 2019, and we asked our friends Jacky Cadiou from Syndrome 81 to do the mix last year. We play Hardcore but they helped us to keep it the most punk as possible."
Future plans:
"We’re all busy this summer touring the US with our other bands (Worst Doubt and Headbussa), but we already have some gigs booked for October, and hopefully more will come. Beside that, I've already written some new materials so I hope we’ll be able to release our first LP next year!"
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"There is a lots of great band now in Paris and we’re so glad to have such a powerful scene nowadays. I’ll avoid name dropping and just advise you to check Take it in Blood if you’re into '90s hardcore, Soul Hater if you’re into death metal, and Autolyse if you’re into punk/Oi! They’re all from Paris and released an EP recently."
Moldy on social media: Instagram

Tagged: moldy