By Carlos Ramirez | 2.9.2023
Face to Face’s 1996 self-titled record and Lifetime’s Hello Bastards were his blueprint.
By Mike Musilli | 2.12.2019
Wake of Humanity, Cell Rot, Firearm, and Cutting Through are among the other acts scheduled to perform.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.15.2018
The influential hardcore label will celebrate on August 25, 2018.
By Carlos Ramirez | 3.22.2018
New Age Records continues to deliver the gems.
By Carlos Ramirez | 9.12.2017
Portland hardcore band goes under the microscope.
By Carlos Ramirez | 7.12.2017
Former members of Blue Monday, Go it Alone, and Unrestrained join forces with New Age Records.