It's an unfortunate reality that any victory against state violence must be tempered. On 4/20/21, everyone took a collective sigh of relief as Derick Chauvin was rightfully convicted of the murder of George Floyd, the only reasonable decision that could have came.
But that little bit of catharsis was short and hollow, as the system we live in continues to perpetuate state sanctioned violence against black, brown, and indigenous people. Each incident brings into focus that abolition is the only way forward.
This everyday reality is the foreground for Move, a new Boston hardcore band that recently made their arrival with Freedom Dreams, a 7 inch EP on the always consistent Triple B Records. The album art makes its intentions clear, drawing on very similar art as Zulu, whose vocals you can hear on the title track.
Today’s Song of the Day though is focused on "Righteous Unrest," which lays out its ACAB philosophy plainly. The music works as a vessel to deliver a message for the first half of the song, talking through why rioting happens in the first place.
It ends around the sentiment of “we’re not the ones killing us, y’all killing us/We can’t make a change if y’all don’t change.”
After a minute of buildup, Move wastes no more time, creating the soundtrack for an ocean of two stepping. They do a good job of bringing in flairs of metal without being a crossover band, threading the '80s and '90s hardcore sound together to create something that’s modern instead of genre pastiche.
It fits nicely along the continuum of Boston hardcore but there’s also some parts that are distinctly New York, specifically in the last 20 seconds, when the vocals take on an Incideary-like vibe, making one simple request: “We want justice."
Tagged: move