Doing a quick search on No Echo, we've never covered a band from Estonia. That changes today with Pinkwave.
Hailing from the capital city of Tallinn, the quartet formed in 2018. "The band was assembled after our singer approached all the guys and put out the idea to play some energetic hardcore with a distinct vibe," drummer Henri Mäll wrote me via email. "Everyone was onboard quite quick and we released our first single 'Haze,' in December of that year. We haven’t looked back since."
Henri gave some thoughts on Pinkwave's stylistic approach and how its developed in the last couple of years:
"In the beginning, we were quite affected by the more pop style of hardcore that was blowing up back then, Turnstile, Balance and Composure, Title Fight, etc. A guy at a recent show in Finland told us that we're like Hatebreed meets Limp Bizkit and we were like, "oh, he might be right."
The drummer continued: "There's always been that bouncy and groovy element to our music. Nowadays we have gone heavier to reflect what we have been into since the beginning of the band."
Now that you've gotten a bit of context on their sound, Henri got me up to date on Pinkwave's output. "We just released our single for a new song called 'Condemned,' but our previous album, Damage Done, was recorded and mixed by ourselves and released as such.
"It was mostly about personal things that we have been going through. The new single we had was mixed by our good friend Martin Randalu, from an awesome band called Pridian. Drums were recorded by the local master of all things Pjotr Latoshev."
I usually ask musicians I chat with for No Echo about their local music scene, but with Pinkwave residing in a country and know close next to nothing about, I was especially intrigued with Henri's response. "The scene in Tallinn is absolutely booming right now, new bands coming in left and right. In addition, a completely new venue called Paavli Kultuurivabrik was opened, where we played at Tallinn Music Week, if you’re ever around here, definitely check it out, alongside Sveta Bar and Ülase12.
"Definitely check out local sludge heroes Kannabinõid, young punks C.C., our brothers in hardcore Feel Hope, grinders from Tartu—Kuritarvitaja, noise veterans Zahir. Honestly could keep going for a while, we are in a good place right now, so keep an eye out."
Pinkwave on social media: Instagram | Bandcamp

Tagged: pinkwave