Jeremy Bolm is the vocalist and co-founder of Touché Amoré, a post-hardcore band based out of Los Angeles that released its fourth studio album, Stage Four, in 2016. He's also the singer of Hesitation Wounds, a group that finds him collaborating with guitarist Neeraj Kane (The Hope Conspiracy, The Suicide File), bassist Stephen LaCour (Trap Them, True Cross), and drummer Jay Weinberg (Slipknot, Madball). Hesitation Wounds released its debut album, Awake for Everything, in 2016. In addition to that, Jeremy is also behind Secret Voice, an indie label that has issued releases by such bands as Drug Church, Gouge Away, and Dangers.
A huge proponent of vinyl, it was only natural for me to invite Jeremy over to the Record Collector club.
How long have you been collecting records?
Started officially collecting in 2001, I believe. So, a real long time. I got a job at a record store so that enabled it further.
Where/how do you usually find your records these days?
Stores for sure. Touring helps because I can hit a store just about every day. I only order online for preorders mostly.
What is the most you paid for a single record, where/how did you obtain it, and what was it?
Last expensive record I bought was about $175 for Sun Kil Moon's Among the Leaves.
If you to pick one record label you feel had/has the best track record of quality releases, who would that be and what are some key titles you love?
Level Plane was a big screamo label owned by the drummer of Saetia that released nearly perfect material. Everyone from You and I and Saetia to Envy and City of Caterpillar.
Of everything in your current collection, what is your most prized record and why?
Converge's Axe to Fall (color shards) as it was a gift from Deathwish/Jake Bannon when I really started to build a relationship with them. Meant a lot.
Is there anything that frustrates you about the current record collecting scene?
I see many faults with major labels taking advantage of the boom and price gouging.
Which records are still on your want list that you've had a tough time tracking down through the years?
- Alkaline Trio, I Lied My Face Off 12"
- American Nightmare, Background Music (1st Press - Black w/ Purple Cross)
- Belle and Sebastian, Tigermilk (1st Press on Electric Honey)
- Bright Eyes, Letting Off the Happiness (1st Press /300)
- Camera Obscura, Biggest Blue Hi-Fi
- Converge, When Forever Comes Crashing (Clear /100)
- Converge, Jane Doe (1st Press - Clear /300)
- Mark Kozelek, If You Want Blood
- Minor Threat, S/T (German Press / Gray cover)
- PG 99, Document #5 (either color)
- Suicide File, Twilight (1st Press - Clear Brown)
- Sun Kil Moon, April (any version)
- The Weakerthans, Left and Leaving (1st Press - Transparent Brown)
Follow Jeremy on Instagram. He also has an Instagram page where he sells records from his collection, which you can see here.
Tagged: record collector