While they might hail from Kansas City, the love for Japanese hardcore comes screaming through everything Devil's Den do. Formed in 2017, the band made a splash via their 5-song Intruder demo cassette, bringing their nihilistic style that also carries a strong visual component along with it. Devil's Den vocalist Max Chaney explains it well: "I wanted a much more discerning feel; induced brutalism to the imagery and little to no companionship sonically. Something solely testing and much faster.” -
Devil's Den followed the demo with the superb EP, First Nature Brutalism. Live shows further raised the group's profile, and it set the stage for the next step in their assault. That comes in the shape of Barbed New Religion, Devil's Den debut LP. The forthcoming 12-track collection is being issued by Atomic! Action Records, a label who has been on a particularly hot streak as of late with releases by Pummel, Brother, and Regional Justice Center.
No Echo is proud to bring you the premiere of Barbed New Religion today:
“Honestly, I wanted to keep the LP the way that I think hardcore records should be," Max says about Barbed New Religion. "Short, sweet, and straight to the point. I hate when hardcore records are long as hell [laughs], and honestly, if there’s anything I need to say, it can be summed up in a 40-60 second song."
The vinyl version of Barbed New Religion will begin shipping in May and is available for pre-order directly from Atomic! Action Records today.
Tagged: devils den