New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: The Sissy Boys

Band: The Sissy Boys
From: Muskegon, Michigan

Their formation story:
(Jake, guitar): "In 8th grade, Dom and I wanted to make a Pixies-type band but ended up deciding it’s way cooler to rip off Negative Approach. So we recruited Bill and Mick and started writing some of the worst music ever, but I think now we’ve got the hang of it."

Their sound in their own words:
"We’ve always been really into '80s hardcore and punk so I guess you could say we stay true to the old-school juvenile sound of a lot of that music."

Latest release info:
"We released our first EP a couple weeks ago and it’s something we’ve been sitting on for a long time. It was all recorded and mixed by our vocalist Dom and we sent it out to get mastered by Jesse Cannon and we couldn’t be happier with how it turned out!

"We’re super stoked about the reaction it got not only in our scene but how it was received by people all over Michigan."

Future plans:
"Next week, we’re playing an experience stage at Electric Forest (shoutout Luke and Free Space for hooking it up) then immediately after having a hometown return show at Rake Beer in Muskegon (June 22nd). We’ve got a few east side gigs in July too one with Piss Me Off at Voodoo House (July 19th) and a Palestine Benefit (July 13th) with all the homies on it.  

"Early-mid July we have a tape release coming out through Delayed Gratification Records which we’re very stoked about. Last but not least we’re opening for the legendary Gorilla Biscuits, our favorite band Negative Approach, and almighty RZL DZL."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Novice, Bitter Truth, Hardcount, Concuss, No Rails, Dogs Teeth, Field Note, Contained, MDOP,  Wept, Bad Beat, Cemetery Girl, Split Up, Levity, Snakeout, Attrition Cult, Roundhouse (RIP), Prison Suicide (RIP), and Free Space booking (the best in West MI)."

The Sissy Boys on social media: Instagram

Tagged: the sissy boys