Band: The Sheltered
From: Chicago, Illinois
Their formation story:
(Josh, guitar): "With our previous act, No Shelter, coming to an end due to various reasons, a few of us decided we weren’t ready to call it quits. Starting anew, we wanted to create something more refined, and continue in a direction we’ve been aiming for a while now.
"After reforming with a new vocalist and an additional guitarist, we were determined to start working on our first record as soon as possible and put out something that truly reflected our vision.
"In light of the new era and lineup, we decided to move forward under The Sheltered to signify a new beginning while retaining a sense of recognition."
Their sound in their own words:
"I would definitely describe our sound as modern metallic hardcore, embodied by chuggy or intricate riffs with some unorthodox techniques and tunings.
"A few of our influences as of late have consisted of bands that tie in more modern elements into hardcore or metal: Vein.fm, Year of the Knife, Mouthbreather, Boundaries."
Latest release info:
"Our new release features a frantic element throughout the song that keeps you on edge but switches up with some punchy riffs. Something I felt that was interesting about this track is the tune switching, and how we sway from double drop C to standard drop C using pitch shifters to give certain parts a super deep tone. We keep getting comments such as 'nice bass tone' from listeners, but they’re actually guitars.
"We felt this was our best track out of the gate and a fitting introduction to new listeners as it mostly sums up the new direction of our music."
Future plans:
"Our next step is coming up pretty soon. We’ve been working on a full-length EP for the past few months and we’re planning on dropping it this fall!
"Before then, we have one more single release to tease the EP a bit more. We’re really excited to get the whole thing out there to old fans and new listeners alike.
"As always, we’ll be trying to reach new places with our shows. We’ve recently expanded a bit further into the Midwest, but we hope to reach even more new places once our music is out."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Some bands that are keeping things together in Illinois/Chicago worth mentioning are Snuffed, Aight Bet, Come Correct, Premeditated, Los Skin (S/O for running new venue Casa Café).
"And it’s always worth mentioning what the guys in Prevention do for the central Illinois scene, Peoria and Springfield shows go hard."
The Sheltered on social media: Instagram

Tagged: the sheltered