New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: No Hope

Photo: BM Images

Band: No Hope
From: Bendigo, Australia

Their formation story:
(Sean, guitar): "We formed in 2023, basically, out of the want to be playing shows again, it had been ten or so years for me and Shane, Nic and Jacob have been playing more recently with their other band, Saturnine. We started with a different lineup but after a couple of shows it really wasn’t working out with the vocalist so we parted ways and Nic moved from bass to vocals and that’s when Jacob joined to take up bass."

Their sound in their own words:
"I think the easiest way to describe our sound would be to say it’s of the mid to late '00s melodic hardcore scene, it’s what we really got into when we were younger and a lot of what I still listen to today. Some of those albums from that era and scene are incredible to this day.

"Australia also had great bands in that era: Miles Away, Carpathian, Pro Team, etc. Bands that stand out as influences to us would be Have Heart, Modern Life Is War, Defeater, Verse, Ruiner... the list goes on."

Latest release info:
"Our demo was recorded back in January this year, we sat on it a bit hoping to find it a home which ended up being set the fire records au. Shout out to Brendo for picking us up! I feel as though the demo is sort of us finding our feet, it jumps around a little bit but it’s all relative to each other.

"All in all, we are proud of what we achieved and are happy that people are responding to it in a positive way so thank you to anyone that’s picked up a tape or had a listen."

Future plans:
"Immediate future plans for the band gig wise we have a sold out demo launch at our home of Trash Cult with some great bands so we are looking forward to that, as well as a few shows booked in Melbourne.

"Recording wise, we are going back into the studio to re record a song that was left off of the demo, it’ll be put out as a single. Writing wise, we have a solid chunk of an EP written which we will hopefully begin the recording process of soon!"

What other bands from their region we should check out?
"Hardcore in Bendigo is pretty much non existent other than our friends Abreact. There are some great bands of other genres like Alarms, Harold Holt Search Party, Saturnine, etc.

"We aren’t to far from Melbourne and that scene is thriving, lately I’ve been listening to the Bright Sun demo, Tarnished demo, and Gravitate's latest EP. Definitely check those bands out!"

No Hope on social media: Instagram

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