Band: No Truce
From: Melbourne, Australia
Their formation story:
(Chris Peterson, guitar): "I got to know the drummer Ornge because our old bands played together a lot. We both found ourselves pretty inactive and wanting to do something faster and heavier than what we'd been doing.
"We worked on music for about a year then I reached out to Brett to sing. I was friendly with him and was a fan of his old band, Anchors. Except for our terminal inability to find a bass player it's been steady sailing since."
Their sound in their own words:
"Well, the initial idea was to throw Mindsnare, Cursed, and From Ashes Rise into a blender and see what came out. The end result doesn't sound anything like that. So go ahead and chalk that experiment up as a failure. I don't know...fast, aggressive, riffy. Hopefully not shit."
Latest release info:
"We've just recorded a 3-track demo. Needed something to justify the two years of work we'd put in. Really happy with how it came out and feel like it's a pretty solid representation of what we're about."
Future plans:
"Solidify a proper lineup and start playing shows. Keep writing and hopefully work our way towards a full-length."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Always gotta plug the masters Mindsnare. They just celebrated 30 years as a band and have a pretty formidable back catalogue. Geld and Hacker have both released awesome new material in the last year and always deliver live. Threat released their first EP a while back, pretty sick. Miserable Creature are a riff factory.
"Heaps of good stuff in Melbourne at the moment."

Tagged: no truce