In terms of Indonesian hardcore, Historyoflife has been representing for their scene since forming back in 2013. At the time, the members of the band were either in high school or middle school, proving that the youth are indeed restless around the globe.
Based in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Historyoflife released their debut EP, Complexity, in 2023, featuring the lineup of Eka Garaha (vocals), Nandi Azmi (guitars), Muhammad Fachry (guitars), Muhammad Yusrizal (bass), and Cepi Kurnial (drums).
In late June, Historyoflife dropped two singles, "Deceiver/Turning Point," which differ slightly from their previous material. "These new tracks blend influences from '90s hardcore, represented by bands like Outspoken, Turning Point, and several Victory Records acts, particularly early-era Earth Crisis," Eka told No Echo via email.
Historyoflife's latest single "Deceiver," is decribed by Eka of being about "hypocrisy in friendships that leads to harmful and damaging consequences. Their other new song, "Turning Point" is "about a person's journey to overcome anxiety by discovering hardcore music, which has many positive effects on them."
Eka also wanted to let No Echo readers know that Historyoflife is working on material for an album they plan on start working on this year.
The vocalist closed his email out to me by shouting out the following bands from their region: "Tigerwork, Stompin Potential, Miasma Spread, Strawberry Pills, and Hardik. There are many more great bands in Tasikmalaya."

Historyoflife on social media: Instagram

Tagged: history of life