Band: Nebulam
From: Port Melbourne, Australia
Their formation story:
(Fab): "We formed through our bassist Vinnie, myself, and Dizzy (guitarist) have been playing music with together with Vinnie for a while at school but never really sought out anything until we all started getting more into hardcore and some of the local scene, as well as just our love for metal and core genres.
"It was all pretty new since there hasn't really been any bands from Port Melbourne and that area that have been doing the stuff we're doing, and it feels like we're the first to do it in our area, unless we don't know about any that have been around in the past.
"We'd been a band for almost a year and then were joined by our current drummer Oscar. He wasn't super-familiar with hardcore and some of the stuff we were doing when we started out, but it's all been uphill from there and we're super happy to have him on board."
Their sound in their own words:
"Heavy, fierce, and driven with youth angst. As well as our personal 'Black Hole Hardcore' label we've attached with ourselves, the sound is supposed to consume you.
"Some of our inspirations are bands like Knocked Loose, Suicide SIlence, Inclination, Hatebreed, Outta Pocket, and more."
Latest release info:
"Our newest release, 'Destroy / Bridgeburner,' features 2 singles. 'Destroy' was the first song we ever wrote as a band, and it is a song about societal greed and consumerism, and how the government among other corporations have made it so easy for people to sit back and give into things to make people seem important/special.
"It also tackles themes of deception and illusion, as this relationship with yourself and this industry convinces you that they connect with you, when in reality it pulls you into the lust. Bridgeburner is about individualism and finding unity and connection with people who don't try to force you to fit in with them but rather people who will accept you for who you are and what you stand for.
"We recorded these at JMC Academy with Shay Pillay, and then had them mixed by Dr. Mike Trubetskov. Big ups to them."
Future plans:
"We're looking at releasing another 2 singles, and then an eventual LP that will include the 4 we will have released by then. Also just playing more shows with some sick bands, and hopefully hopping on some tours and fests either in Australia or overseas."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Frankston has a bunch of sick bands. False Dichotomy are our hardcore/death metal homies from the South East. As well as Nembutolik. Some others like Tarnished, Clotheslined, Grave Risk, Blood On My Hands, Gravitate, and Threshold are also super dope."
Nebulam on social media: Instagram

Tagged: nebulam