Band: Lintworm
From: Hasselt, Belgium
Their formation story:
"Three of the four members studied at the same music college (PXL Music) in Belgium. Our guitarist and drummer wanted to make a noisy punk EP. Our vocalist joined the lineup and during the first rehearsal our bassist walked by and asked what we were doing, we explained and he said 'cool' and asked if he could join.
"During the first rehearsal we already wrote three songs: 'Kill Thy Son,' 'Waves of Blood,' and 'Vitamin D' (the last one didn’t survive). A couple of weeks later, our anxious drummer thought he had a tapeworm (which is a Lintworm in Dutch) and hence came the name. Turns out he didn’t, but the name stayed."
Their sound in their own words:
"We bring a mixture of power violence, noise, and extreme metal. The record we just released includes multiple genres mixed together. Some songs will take on more hardcore, some more metal, some complete fucking noise.
"We’re no die hard metalheads or hardcore kids and all have a different background and like different stuff. We just like some hard bands next to everything else we listen to and wanted to make hard shit without genre boundaries."
Latest release info:
"In collaboration with Genet Records, we just released our self-titled debut album on vinyl containing a noise overdose, flashy guitars, and blast beats resulting in a deadly mix of power violence and everything naughty.
"The album is short and intense, you won’t need any more than these 20 minutes. It represents our love for our moms, war crimes, rabbits and furry conventions."
Future plans:
"Play more shows, festivals, and hopefully, get to tour abroad next year. There is already a new EP in the making for 2025. We have cool shows coming up. Just before the record release we play an aftershow for Knocked Loose and Deafheaven and in the summer we play Ieper Hardcore Fest."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Hardcore: Everything Ends, Becoming A.D., Primal Truth, Barno Koevoet & The Duijmshpijkers, Dad Magic.
"Not hardcore but worth checking out: STEVE (with our bassist), Divided, HAMERS, Ekzeem-a, Kakapunk, Wiegedood, Predatory Void."
The Lintwork LP is up for sale at Genet Records.
Lintworm on social media: Instagram

Tagged: lintworm