Band: Industrial Grade Chemical Cleaner
From: Boston, Massachusetts
Their formation story:
(Jonathan B., vocals): "Not the most eventful but kind of funny in a way, IGCC started in 2021, a few months after I moved to Boston from Wisconsin. I had a couple songs written but was really starting from zero in terms of not knowing anyone at first in the New England scene.
"I was quite fortunate to meet Scott who drums for IGCC and this dope band from New Jersey called Tilted who you should definitely check out through a (pretty dated) forum post he had made.
"Meeting him was this kind of lightbulb moment where it’s like, ‘oh shit, we could actually play shows.' I met our guitarist Dylan out of the blue in a Brighton bar. That’s really how we started, as a 3 piece with me on bass. Eventually we rounded out our lineup with Paul from JudgeXJudy taking over the bass so I could move to guitar while screaming."
Their sound in their own words:
"I’ve always thought of IGCC as a straight-up '90s-style hardcore band with 2010s hardcore influence, some fast shit here and there. We’re all pretty eclectic in terms our individual tastes. As the main songwriter, I’d say some of my influences for this project musically are Kickback, Bruise, and Dead in the Dirt.
"Lyrically, I’m all over the place and don’t put much thought into it. FFO: sensitive lyrics, pitting awkwardly, screaming yourself dizzy while riffing. For the not-so-cool kids."
Latest release info:
"We just dropped our debut LP, Otherside, on October 14. This album was very much my baby for a long time. It’s 9 songs we tracked ourselves in our practice studio, mixed/mastered by Nathan Wright of Awfully Pretty/Dearstreet, streaming now on the usual platforms."
Future plans:
"We’re currently setting up some New England shows for January in support of the album, more details soon as we lock that in. Earlier this year we toured for the first time down the East Coast and that’s pretty much all I think about ever since.
"I was thinking we need to get IGCC out to the Midwest for the next one. These guys have no fucking clue what a butterburger is."
What other bands from their region we should check out?
The thing about New England is that there’s so many good ass bands everywhere you can’t name them all, the list goes on. A couple that jump to mind would be uponbrokenapologies MA, Fishface MA, Burning Hand CT, Husk MA, Cannabis Crypt MA, S.A.C. RI.
"Honestly, we also need to talk about our neighbors down south in Long Island: Pink Mist, Raid, Eroneko, Comeuppance, that’s the good shit."
Industrial Grade Chemical Cleaner on social media: Twitter | Instagram