Band: Drivel
From: Washington, DC
Their formation story:
(Kevin Tit, guitar/vocals): "The whole thing stems from a bunch of song ideas I recorded by myself and later asked Andy [Appleton] to record proper drum tracks over. Before long we asked Phil [Edfors] to come jam, and we ended up writing a few more songs.
"Next thing you know, we’re in VIVA studios with Matt Michael recording 10 tracks for what would become our Self Titled album. Since then the band has played New York, Philly, Baltimore and is currently gearing up to do a tour through the south east with our friends in the band Sad Roach from April 18 - 23rd."
Their sound in their own words:
"I personally was listening to a lot of Spazee, FYP, and Hickey while writing a lot of these songs and so in my mind it’s just a kind of chaotic punk record. Folks have called us a power violence band which I’m not mad at cos I love PV shit.
"'Punk' is just the easiest way for me to label our shit cos hardcore / PV / everything we might be categorized as still falls under that general umbrella."
Latest release info:
"It’s heavy, fast, and filled with cartoonish samples. 10 tracks at an 11-minute run time. Some real knuckle dragging riffs on this bad boy. Songs about dying for the flag, billionaires dying in space trying to flee the world they destroyed, and other nods to the fragility of mortality."
Future plans:
"We just wanna rock in as many places as we can. We plan to hit up the south east later this month and then we are plotting on going up the north east later this year. No big aspirations outside of playing sick shows with sick bands."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Sad Roach, Psyop, Palladists, Deliriant Nerve, Tosser, Drugs of Faith, Scramble, Gooch, this is hard because there are so many amazing bands around right now. We're truly lucky to be rocking with so many incredible bands."
Drive on social media: Instagram
2024 Hardcore Releases playlist