Band: Besta Quadrada
From: Buffalo, New York
Their formation story:
(Carol, bass): "John was booking a show here in Buffalo for Lasso from Brazil and, since I'm from Brazil too, I really wanted to play it. My other band with Biff, Outrage Factor, couldn't do it, so I recruited John and Steve to help me write some songs from these riffs that I had to start a new band."
(Bailey, vocals): "They were looking for a singer, so John’s partner, Lindsay, who worked with me at a cafe, told them she thought I would be a good fit even though I'd never been in a band, performed, or done anything besides karaoke. John sent me some music, we wrote some lyrics, and in four weeks had these eight songs for the show. It was like being on MTV's Made."
Their sound in their own words:
(Carol): "I told John I'd like to start a band that's like Black Flag meets The Jesus Lizard. I don't think that's what we ended up sounding like [laughs], but if you like both those bands you might like us."
Latest release info:
(Carol): "We just put out our demo tape on Swimming Faith, John's label. Recording was very simple and easy. Steve recorded drums first at our practice space then John and I tracked the bass and guitar at home. Bailey finished vocals back at the practice space after that. John mixed and mastered the tape.
"We wanted a simple and raw sound. It's a demo, but it turned out really great and we're all happy and excited about it."
(John, guitar): "Carol did all the artwork too. I love how it turned out."
Future plans:
(Bailey): "Carol and John are writing some new music, we’re hoping to get our set longer with more songs so we can hit the road, hopefully soon!"
(John, guitar): "Ya, we've only played four shows so far. Just getting started."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
(Bailey): "Big Dog and Deluxxe! Who doesn’t love an Oi! band? Big Dog is made up of several talented musicians who are all spattered in a bunch of different projects around town. Except for Graham, this is his first band but his bark sounds like he’s been at it since the conception of Oi!
"A couple of the members of Big Dog are also in a super cool darkwave band called Deluxxe, showcasing their versatile talent and innate ability to be good at anything they want to do."
(Carol): "Our friends from Malarchuk played with Weedeater recently after four years of being away from the stage and are working on new stuff coming up soon! For lovers of everything doom.
"Evil Things is another great band that was formed a long time ago but decided to get back together at full speed. They're working on a bunch of songs to release an EP soon. If you like Rock and Roll with a little sprinkle of darkness, don't miss them."
(John): Skipping those and all the ones that have been covered on No Echo recently, Coma Ghost is such a great band that doesn’t sound like anyone else in the city and sorta hides in the shadows. Hard to pin down. Unpredictable, claustrophobic, post-punk with some noise rock leaning elements. Last time I saw them live they were so good."

Tagged: besta quadrada