Outside of the fact they're from Brooklyn, NY, I don't know any other bio info on Just, but I like them. I really do. And no, not just because they're selling a pocket tee with an image of ramen on it. I like Just because they remind me of a specific time in hardcore when bands like Stillsuit and Orange 9mm were still putting out music.
I just learned about Just (I know, I know), via a message someone in the band sent me through the No Echo Instagram page. The group just dropped a collection of songs called II on Bandcamp and the track "Dream" instantly grabbed me. As I mentioned above, Just deliver a '90s-informed post-hardcore sound, and on this song, there's a potent balance of the band's songwriting characteristics, all within the span of just over a minute. I especially love the guitar tone, which is ballsy as hell, but also has a jangle to it in parts. Oh, and the vocals are also worthy of a specific mention here. Again, I don't know the band member names, but whoever is fronting Just has great command of the material, and his presence is big enough to not be swallowed up by the instruments.

Head over to Just's Bandcamp page to hear the entire II album.
Tagged: just nyhc band