The guys in San Diego metallic hardcore outfit Pissed Regardless are methodic about things. Though they formed back in 2013, they've taken their time honing their sound and songwriting, only releasing a demo and two 7"s within that time. With a rhythm section that nails thing down with air-tight precision, and a double-guitar onslaught that goes from modern death metal-like brutality to the moshier side of '90s metalcore, Pissed Regardless' instrumental prowess won't be questioned anytime soon.
"While trying to keep our roots, we wanted to experiment with other sounds and styles," says guitarist Sean Walker. "Ultimately, we wanted to write a record, not just track songs that we had written over the last year.” The record Sean speaks of is Imperial Cult, and No Echo has a track from the album called "Maniacal" below that should whet the appetite:
"'Maniacal’ was the second piece we wrote with the record," Sean tells No Echo about the song. "We wanted something heavy and groovy but still aggressive and to the point. The song is collectively our favorite on the record as we think it encompasses a lot of what we wanted to try with the new material.”

Imperial Cult will be out on Oct. 18 via Creator-Destructor Records. If you're a record collector, the label has launched pre-orders for two different colored vinyl variants; the first pressing limited to 250 copies. Follow Pissed Regardless on Facebook and Instagram.
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Tagged: pissed regardless