Tulsa, OK hardcore outfit Piece of Mind is gearing for the release of Trilogy, a 12" that collects all of the band's previous material that was previously only vailable as limited cassettes or on digital platforms. When I asked Piece of Mind guitarist Jake Scott how the group hooked up with Trip Machine Labs for the upcoming collection, he reminded me of the special camaraderie that I love about the hardcore community.
"If my memory serves me correctly, Miracle Drug had mentioned to Trip Machine Labs that they wanted to do a split with us," said the guitarist. "[Label owner] Chris [Weinblad] checked us out and caught us on tour, and asked if we’d be interested in doing a 12” of all our material on TML. We’re fans of a lot of the releases he’s done (All Out War, Most Precious Blood, Incendiary) so it was a no-brainer for us."
Since Trilogy compiles earlier songs from Piece of Mind's time together, I asked Jake what his relationship was like with the older material. "A lot of that early material is the sound of us figuring out what we want to do. While I do love a lot of our older material, there are parts of songs that I feel didn’t get fleshed out enough, or songs I wish were mixed differently. As some of the songs have become staples in our set, parts have shifted and evolved and I think the songs are better for it."

After Trilogy arrives in stores in late October, Jake and his Piece of Mind bandmates will continue to work on the road and in the studio. "We plan on hitting both coasts again next year, with some more time spent in the Midwest and south. We’re playing LDB Fest again in Louisville, KY this February as well. As far as releases go, we have two records neck-in-neck. We have a split 7” with Miracle Drug being mastered right now for Trip Machine, and we’re currently mixing our first 7” for Safe Inside Records as well. Both records should hopefully be out in the first part of the year. We’re really excited to share all of this material that we’ve been sitting on for a while.
"We start an East Coast tour in a couple weeks, so if you’re in the area come hang out with us and show us the local vegan spot."
Pre-order Trilogy directly from Trip Machine Labs here. Follow Piece of Mind on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Tagged: piece of mind