From the ashes of the bands Burden and Born From Demise comes Opposition, Boston hardcore’s newest addition to the hateful raindance that we call moshing.
Opposition introduced themselves to the scene with their recently released ‘23 Demonstration, which featured two tracks of hardened dance-ready tracks that jump from midtempo to slower rhythms to get arms and legs swinging carelessly around the pit.
The Burden and Born From Demise connection rests on drummer Pat Azzola, who originally played in both bands and saw it through every incarnation. Guitarist Chris Leblanc came into the fold during Born From Demise, which later featured vocalist Ethan Wahlberg, and then bassist Cyrus Pruenca joined the group as they eventually became Opposition.
Immediately wanting to continue down the moshier paths they tread toward the end of Born From Demise, the musicians headed down a heavier path with Opposition:
Chatting it up with Chris Leblanc at Opposition's debut show, he had this to say about their influences: “Definitely bands like 100 Demons. I wanted to do something that put metal and hardcore together in that mix. I didn’t want to do a beatdown band or a metalcore revival band, respect to the movement but it’s not something I can really put together when I play.
"I also listened to Suburban Scum everyday during the pandemic and kept my ear to the ground on bands like Ends of Sanity and that put into perspective what I wanted to do in hardcore.”
Joining the wave of current heavy hardcore bands, Opposition fuse their aformetioned influences into an evil and imposing style. Opposition also mine inspiration from the '90s H8000 scene in Europe.
Watching Opposition live is an action-packed experience, as vocalist Ethan, a mosh warrior in his own right, flails and dances around the space with the careless abandon of anyone in the crowd. Breaking into their song “Forced Discipline,” the opening dissonant chords mixed with Pat’s steady drumming moved the moshers onto the floor and got them moving before cuffing them across the face with Pat’s pounding drums and slick bass from wildman Cyrus.
Despite being the opener, Opposition got the reaction that would even make headliners smile. This is simply the beginning for them.

Releasing their demo back in February, as a warning for anyone coming to their shows, Chris explained that he wanted to make a smooth transition from playing their established Born From Demise style into Opposition. “I really wanted people to feel like, ‘Oh, these are the same guys but they’ve gotten even better. They’ve streamlined their sound.’ Before I kinda felt like it was all over the place and now we really sound a lot more focused."
“I figured since there were so many lineup changes from Born From Demise by the time all was said and done it didn’t feel like the same band anymore. So much had changed in the dynamic and I just figured why not start over? We could start something new easily," Chris elaborated on their transition into Opposition.
While there are similarities in their sound there has remained a clearer distinction in Born From Demise and Opposition’s sound as the latter takes a further provocation towards the spin kickers. “If I could sum it up in one word it would just be mos," the guitarist exclaimed.

In Opposition, Ethan takes his vocal delivery into a sinister and visceral path that just oozes influence from bands like Liar and Congress. “Born From Demise was his first band he performed onstage with and he’s a young guy," Chris told me. "He’s finding himself and everything and I think he’s doing a great job with us. He brings a real energy that I just can’t bring myself ‘cause I’m old."
Describing the recording process, Chris summed it up as being "great on paper, messy in practice.” Recording their demo with Chris Cesarini in his home studio, Chris told me about the experience, “Pat, Cyrus, and I recorded all the music in one day at Cesarini’s and that was in June of last year. Through a series of mishaps and whatever else, Ethan wasn’t able to lay down the vocals until January of this year."
Opposition's first show was opening set at Hingham’s Sons of Italy, on an already-stacked lineup. Every single band that was on this bill made me worried for my personal safety: Vein.fm, Sunami (nuff said), Last Wishes from the UK, Escuela Grind, Instigate, Hate Still Burns, and the boys in Opposition.
Opposition recently just came back from the road, hitting a few dates with Syracuse monsters Pure Bliss, whom they toured with last year while still under the Born From Demise name. “They’re gonna be touring with that band Regions and we’re gonna meet up with them on a couple dates," said Chris before heading out on the trek. "Pure Bliss are the homies, I fucking love hanging with those guys.”
“We’re hitting a gig with Missing Link next month which I’m psyched about, that checks a big one off my list. I really just wanted to tap into the pool and play shows that people want to see us at. Make it congruent," the guitarist said when asked about what bands he wants to see Opposition playing alongside.

In terms of upcoming recordings, Chris teased that new Opposition tracks are on the horizon. “We’re planning on having some new shit out by the summertime for sure.”
Chris left us with this: "Opposition would like to shout out: Boston hardcore, BG, Chris Cesarini, Kyle License, Colin Campbell, and everyone who’s been supporting him and riding for us since the beginning."
Opposition on social media: Twitter | Instagram

Tagged: opposition