Life & Limb is an Phoenix, Arizona-based hardcore outfit featuring musicians who have also played in such bands as Give Blood, Lilith, and American Standards. The group's debut EP, Doubt, arrived earlier this year. "We wanted to play music similar to what influenced us growing up," guitarist Mike Hyde tells No Echo, continuing, "Bands like Bane, Most Precious Blood, Run with the Hunted, and Comeback Kid, to name a few."
Mike explains that while it didn't move as fast as he would have hoped early on, Life & Limb eventually built up some momentum: "It was slow going at first but we wrote and recorded a 3-song demo in July 2018 and grabbed our first drummer, Ryan Horner, by August. We played our first show in February 2019 and started jumping on as many shows as we could (including out of state). When we started recording our first EP, Ryan had to leave the band and we scooped up Jeremy. On January 31st, 2020 we released Doubt to a really positive response from the scene."
Bassist Tyler Mahle offers No Echo his assessment of the Life & Limb sonic approach: "The band's sound is very fast; striving to bring back the circle pit! But we try not to pigeonhole our sound. If we feel a song is leaning in a more melodic or heavy direction we're not afraid to take it."
No Echo then asks Life & Limb vocalist Corey Skowronski about the lyrics on the Doubt EP: "Doubt was written during a time in my personal life when I was coming out of my past relationship. I felt stagnant in my work life and just overall aimless. The title of the EP is the definition of how I felt at this time. I doubted the choices I made to be where I was.
"Every song describes a part of who I was at that time. The last song on the record, 'Letter to Self,' is one that I hold the closest because it best depicts the idea of being in such a dark place and finally realizing that things do get better and that you are not defined by your past."

Guitarist Mike is psyched with the reception Life & Limb, and their EP, has received in the Arizona hardcore community: "Our local scene has been very supportive and we've made a lot of new friends since releasing Doubt. The bands we're the closest with would be Pointbreak, Common War, Exitwound, and Punishment Suite. We're always stoked to play with all those guys!"
Life & Limb on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Bandcamp
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