Formed in late 2018, Endless Bore initially started out with a bunch of songs influenced by the likes of Void, Infest, and Charles Bronson. In other words, they were short, fast, and absolutely ripped.
The funny thing about the whole situation is the Melbourne, Australia-based group's name certainly does not fit their to-the-point style of hardcore. "Picking a name we all liked took time with Endless Bore being initially dismissed and then re-considered/agreed on a month or so later," vocalist Dave told No Echo via email.
Now that the whole name thing is out of the way, let's all sink our teeth into a maelstrom of speedy hardcore courtesy of Treatment Resistent, Endless Bore's 15-track new LP:
Dave explained the creative process behind their new record: "We began writing Treatment Resistant in August 2019, Mark (drums) had been away overseas, and we'd taken a few months off. It was more of a collaborative approach than Personal Development [their previous release from 2019] with riffs/ideas being brought to the practice room by David (guitars) or Ben (bass) and then fleshed out into songs as a band. When done, I would make a rough recording to write lyrics to later. Generally, this started with something from his day-to-day life, e.g. a phrase heard at work which stuck out/got noted down, being pondered upon/explored and somehow forged into a passage of words.
"Treatment Resistant's lyrics are a continuation of the themes from Personal Development and cover personal/social topics such as reactive aggression, the farce of religion, confirmation bias, our need for purpose and labour exploitation. We recorded in January past, again with Tom Ray, at a rehearsal space in one day, I recorded my vocals at home.
"We intended to meet up and mix it, but due to the COVID-19 situation ended up doing this online/remotely with Tom setting up a stream via Twitch which we watched and fed back on in real-time."

Outside of Endless Bore, what's happening in the hardcore community in Melbourne? "Melbourne has a pretty diverse spread of bands and scenes, and we're still finding where we fit amongst it all. Up until the lockdown, we had been playing reasonably frequently (14 gigs in 12 months) and had got some positive responses.
"Local bands we've enjoyed sharing the stage with include: Dead Already ('80s hardcore), Protospasm (punk 'n' roll/hardcore), Sanctioned (OG grindcore) and Szkło (raw punk). We also recently brought Numbskull (power violence/fastcore from Sydney) over to Melbourne for two shows and had a total blast, so we're now thinking to do a split 7" together later this year, stay tuned!"
Endless Bore on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Bandcamp
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Tagged: endless bore