Band: xdetesterx
From: Singapore
Their formation story:
(Jerry, guitar): "xdetesterx is Danny on vocals, Syafe on bass, Halifi on drums and Elias and myself on guitars. About 3 years ago, we were all looking to play in a new band. Danny founded the project with a previous drummer (later on whose spot Halifi took) and sought the rest of us out, forming the only straight edge band in Singapore at that time.
"We were initially called ‘Perspective,' writing groovy and upbeat hardcore but the project didn’t really take flight so we all went quiet for a bit. Two years later, 3 out of 5 of us decided to play heavier sounds inspired by bands like Arkangel, Kickback, Sentence, and Strain, putting our own twist on it. Progress was slow but picked up when the remaining two joined up again.
"xdetesterx played our first show opening for Magnitude and Envision earlier in May this year, at long last. With a short set of 3 songs of our own, a Prayer for Cleansing cover, and 'Hardcore Pride,' which 4 bands covered that night [laughs]."
Their sound in their own words:
(Jerry, guitar): "We’re all into the H8000 sound. I think that’s the base for the songs we write, but during songwriting we tend to put in elements of whatever else we’re listening to at that point of time.
"The duality of emotions is a big part of what we try to express in songs. Chugging riffs for moshing and also parts to sing along to. We like to describe it as trying to make people cry while moshing [laughs]. I'd say we're for fans of Arkangel, Kickback, Undying, metalcore by straight edge kids."
Latest release info:
(Jerry, guitar): "These are 2 of the first 3 songs we wrote. Finding our place in sounds we want to make and making it our own."
(Danny, vocals): "'1337' is purely a straight edge pride song. 'Dominion' represents being ignored and forced under this dreadful dominion we all live under. This release marks the beginning of our journey and the response we've gotten has been amazing. We're all deeply inspired and can't wait to put out more music."
Future plans:
(Danny, vocals): "We're writing more material immediately for our upcoming EP early next year. We're playing shows locally and in neighbouring countries to keep the ball rolling. We're beyond excited for the future ahead."
What are some other bands from your region we should check out?
(Jerry, guitar): "Mystique (Cro-Mags groove style) is a band formed recently that Syafe does vocals in. They include members of Wreckonize and Losing End, both of which everyone should also check out. Syafe also plays guitar in Fuse! They just got back from their Europe tour and will be playing in Japan this coming December.
"Destiny ('90s melodic hardcore) where Elias and I play guitar in, are in the midst of recording our EP. Big things coming ahead. Flames of Conviction (straight edge riffers) is the only other straight edge band in Singapore besides us which Halifi plays drums for as well. No songs released yet but they are recording.
"And lastly, our buddies in 2DK cook up old-school beatdown (Bulldoze style fighting music)."
The Coming Strife Records will be releasing the xdetesterx promo on cassette soon.
xdetesterx on social media: Instagram | Bandcamp

Tagged: h8000, xdetesterx