New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: Sumu

Photo: RAW•ART Creations

Band: Sumo
From: Tampere, Finland 

Their formation story:
(Eero, guitar): "Sumu started as a duo in 2022 when Juspu (drummer) and I decided to play primitive hardcore punk/d-beat à la Disfear, Skitsystem, Victims, etc. Then Juspu got in to a hospital and had to stay there for several months. In the hospital Juspu decided that Sumu has to 1) record something and 2) play gigs, so obviously we had to search for a bass player and a vocalist.

"After a few candidates we eventually found Maissi (bass guitar) and Anton (vocals) in September 2024. In December 2024 we entered Hardkoree Ranch-studio and recorded our first four song EP."

Their sound in their own words:
"Our style is a mix between hardcore punk/d-beat/crust punk, and rock 'n' roll. Some of the songs even have a singalong chorus which is quite unique aspect in hardcore punk. I think our main influences are Discharge, Disfear, Skitsystem, Victims, Zeke, Kaaos, Riistetyt, and Terveet Kädet and if you like those bands, you’ll love our stuff!

"We all have a background working in social and healthcare, so we describe our music as 'sotecore.' 'Sote' means social and health care in Finnish."

Latest release info:
"Our first eponymous EP consists of four sotecore bursts and 3/4 of the songs are from 2022 when me (Eero) and Juspu jammed together. The last one, 'Vaihda Planeettaa,' is just a few months old and we actually heard it for the first time with vocals when we recorded it in December 2024. The songs draw their inspiration from the current political and economical situation in Finland.

"We have a right-wing government at the moment and their austerity policy drives people to poverty. They also give money to the rich people and take money from the poor. That’s just totally fucked up and wrong so we have to make songs about it."

Future plans:
"We have three gigs coming up in January, February and March in Tampere. Currently we’re writing new material because our longest song lasts about two minutes so we have to make more songs so the eager crowd is pleased. The gig in January is actually our first gig ever and we’re quite excited about it. We’re also trying to get more gigs around Finland so probably we’ll play shows outside Tampere in the spring.

"There’s been also discussions about new EP in the summer and some merchandise (t-shirts and patches maybe)."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Tampere is the birthplace of ´82-hardcore punk so we have many bands who draw their inspiration from either ´82-hardcore punk or sweaty rock 'n' roll. Vapaa Maa, Hullu!, and Hautaustoimisto are quite straightforward hardcore punk but Nyrkkitappelu is a mix between punk rock 'n' rock and roll.

"All of them are quite active live bands in Finland. I’ve included links to their music because good music needs to be heard!"

Sumu on social media: Instagram

Tagged: sumu