Band: Success
From: Adelaide, Australia
Their formation story:
(Daniel Moyle, vocals): "Victor (our drummer) and myself have played together for years in Charnel Altar, and other projects, and wanted to start a new band. Around the same time our guitarist Max moved to Adelaide from Canberra. In 2023, Charnel Altar toured Australia with Endless Loss and were joined by Ploughshare (Max's other band) for a few shows on the East Coast. We had a great time playing together and got talking.
"Max had been writing what would become Success songs for a while and was looking for others to join him. We started jamming together late last year and the energy was great; everything came together really easily. We then wanted a bass player too so I asked our old friend John to join and we've gone from there."
Their sound in their own words:
"I would call it power violence-influenced hardcore. Or weird cunt power violence. Our influences are broad but bands like Infest, Manpig, Negative Approach, Deep Wound, No Comment, Crossed Out, and Man is the Bastard come to mind, as well as newer bands like Wound Man, Regional Justice Center, and SPY.
"Another big influence on the writing was noise rock — Hammerhead, Cherubs and Unsane all had a big influence. We all listen to a lot of metal and hip hop too and I think a bit of this comes through in our tracks. It's weird hardcore for weird people."
Latest release info:
"The Fool's Game is our debut release consisting of 8 tracks. It was written over Summer '23/'24 and recorded at Twin Earth Studios in Adelaide by Jon McNicol. We've worked with Jon for years and rehearse at his studio, an absolute legend of the game in Adelaide. We then had it mastered by Will Killingsworth at Dead Air Studios. Victor created our logo and cover art for The Fool's Game as we felt creating this within the band would best represent our style and what we're going for."
Future plans:
"Our immediate plans are to write a follow up to The Fool's Game, play as many shows as possible locally and interstate, and to push the Success style as far as possible."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"Gaoled and No Future (both from Perth) are doing wild things right now. Across the East Coast Primitive Blast, AWOL, and Persecutor are also all killing it. In Adelaide, we recently played with Energy Angel who were really cool, kinda post-hardcore stuff, and for the metalheads our friends in Endless Loss just released an incredible album."
Success on social media: Instagram

Tagged: success