Band: Return to Pain
From: Jacksonville, Florida
Their formation story:
(Trevor Bacon, guitar): "Our formation story is kinda funny, actually. I formed a new band (Shades of War) that our now vocalist was going to be doing vocals for, but the musical/vocal styles didn’t end up meshing as well as I thought they would. So, I basically started another band that was a heavier project that his vocal style fit way better with and that was basically the birth of Return to Pain.
"So, instead of forming one new band, two bands were started and I honestly could not be happier with how that chain of events took place."
Their sound in their own words:
"I would say our sound/style is reminiscent of a plehtora of some of our all time favorite bands ranging from All Out War to 100 Demons to even bands like Full Blown Chaos."
Latest release info:
"Our debut release has been in the works for quite some time. I started writing for it right around the same time as the other new project we were doing (Shades of War) and that one was locked and loaded to come out well before I even had a whole EP worth of music done for Return to Pain so it was put on the back burner for a little while.
"I finally had a plan laid out to get the EP done and ended up tracking all the drums at a good friend of mine, Tyler Denslow, studio in Tallahassee, Florida (KOTP Records) and then tracked all of the instrumentals and vocals at my house. Tyler then took the reins on mixing and mastering and even putting his own little taste on some interlude type stuff that came out super awesome and glued everything together well.
"I saw that Force of Reckoning had been doing a lot of awesome releases lately and wanted to see about putting the EP with them and things ended up working out and the EP came out on March 1st with a CD/cassette and a shirt pre-order!"
Future plans:
"Immediate plans for us are trying to get our new music out to as many new people:places we can. We have a release show planned for March 30th in our hometown of Jacksonville, Florida that hasn’t been announced yet but is going to be one of the coolest lineups that has been through so far this year.
"We are planning on putting a run together mid April and hitting South Carolina/Georgia and a date or two in Florida."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"There are so many amazing bands new and old worth mentioning, the scene in Florida has really been thriving lately from North to South. Domain, Jezter, Xcelerate, Fixed View, Spit Truth, Yield to None, Six Paths, Fallen God, With Paper Wings, Suntouch House, Beastplague, Shades of War, Migrant Fury, Sidearm, Green 80, Unregistered Weapon, WISH."
Released from Flesh is available now across all digital music outlets, and up for pre-order on CD and cassette via Force of Reckoning Records.
Return to Pain on social media: Instagram

Tagged: return to pain