Band: OX
From: Spokane, Washington
Their formation story:
(Nathan Bidwell, guitar): "We Formed in September but we've been friends forever and have always wanted to do a project together, and our full mental intent is to take over."
Their sound in their own words:
"Our influences span from old school death metal to today's new hardcore. Our favorite bands include Power Trip, Nails, and Cold as Life."
Latest release info:
"Our newest release is a demo of some new songs that will be on a LP and to showcase the band and the style."
Future plans:
"We are gonna hit the road in 2024 and hopefully record and release our full length at some point in 2024."
What are some other bands from your region we should check out?
"We dig Spooky, Kadabra, and Gotu Gotu from our scene!"
OX on social media: Instagram